In the early 2000s, a small group of friends in Palo-Alto, California started a movement to transform the way products are designed and developed. It came to be known as Design Thinking. Early pioneers included David M. Kelley, founder of IDEO and Diego Rodriguez, one of his star team leaders. The central idea of design thinking is to center all development not around the product or service but around how human beings feel when they experience them. It may sound simple or obvious. But if the process were easy, then why do so many companies still develop mediocre products? In this episode of Driving With Dunne, Diego Rodriguez walks us through the "how" and "why" of design thinking. Mercedes and Ford are among scores of companies weaving design thinking into future product designs. If you are interested in building better products, you will love this episode.
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Diego Rodriguez, Former IDEO Partner & Intuit CPO: How Design Thinking Separates Champions From Also-Rans
Diego Rodriguez, Former IDEO Partner & Intuit CPO: How Design Thinking Separates Champions From Also-Rans
May 04, 2022
Driving with Dunne
Electric vehicles are the future. But with new technologies comes confusion! What's real? And what is hyperbole? Who are the people to know and what are their visions? Leading global electric vehicle innovators and executives join Michael J. Dunne in no-nonsense conversations about what that electric future looks like. Speaking with some of the biggest in the field like Fisker, NIO, Lucid, Xpeng and more, Dunne - author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker – knows the business of electric vehicles. He’s going to answer questions like: Which EV brands are the best? Why is the charging experience so unpredictable? Who makes the best battery? The electric vehicle revolution is a global race that China now leads with America way back in their rear view mirror. Who will win out - and why? Every episode of Driving With Dunne equips you with powerful new knowledge about the future of these battery-propelled computers on wheels.
Electric vehicles are the future. But with new technologies comes confusion! What's real? And what is hyperbole? Who are the people to know and what are their visions? Leading global electric vehicle innovators and executives join Michael J. Dunne in no-nonsense conversations about what that electric future looks like. Speaking with some of the biggest in the field like Fisker, NIO, Lucid, Xpeng and more, Dunne - author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker – knows the business of electric vehicles. He’s going to answer questions like: Which EV brands are the best? Why is the charging experience so unpredictable? Who makes the best battery? The electric vehicle revolution is a global race that China now leads with America way back in their rear view mirror. Who will win out - and why? Every episode of Driving With Dunne equips you with powerful new knowledge about the future of these battery-propelled computers on wheels.Listen on
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