In February 2022, Consumer Reports named the Mustang Mach-E the best electric car on the market, knocking Tesla from the number one position for the first time. The sporty SUV seems to be everything customers want in a Mustang: good-looking, modern - and very fast. People in America bought almost 30,000 of them in the first year, blowing past even the most optimistic projections by the team at Ford. But what most people are not aware of is that the Mach-E product development program was actually a high stakes gamble. Ford was betting the legendary Mustang name on a totally new vehicle that would be a 4-door SUV instead of a 2-door coupe, where passengers would sit up high, not in bucket seats. And, imagine this, a Mustang that was ultra quiet on acceleration. Our special guest today is Hau Thai-Tang, Executive Vice President of Industrial Platform at Ford Motor Company. In our conversation, Hau gives us an insider's view of how the Mustang Mach E grew from concept to production in less than three years. As you might imagine, there were more than a few dramatic twists and turns along the way. Also, I am sure that you will be surprised and amazed by Hau's own personal story, from escaping war-torn Vietnam in 1975 to becoming one of the auto industry's most accomplished executives.
#DrivingWithDunne / #ZozoGo

Driving with Dunne
Electric vehicles are the future. But with new technologies comes confusion! What's real? And what is hyperbole? Who are the people to know and what are their visions? Leading global electric vehicle innovators and executives join Michael J. Dunne in no-nonsense conversations about what that electric future looks like. Speaking with some of the biggest in the field like Fisker, NIO, Lucid, Xpeng and more, Dunne - author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker – knows the business of electric vehicles. He’s going to answer questions like: Which EV brands are the best? Why is the charging experience so unpredictable? Who makes the best battery? The electric vehicle revolution is a global race that China now leads with America way back in their rear view mirror. Who will win out - and why? Every episode of Driving With Dunne equips you with powerful new knowledge about the future of these battery-propelled computers on wheels.
Electric vehicles are the future. But with new technologies comes confusion! What's real? And what is hyperbole? Who are the people to know and what are their visions? Leading global electric vehicle innovators and executives join Michael J. Dunne in no-nonsense conversations about what that electric future looks like. Speaking with some of the biggest in the field like Fisker, NIO, Lucid, Xpeng and more, Dunne - author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker – knows the business of electric vehicles. He’s going to answer questions like: Which EV brands are the best? Why is the charging experience so unpredictable? Who makes the best battery? The electric vehicle revolution is a global race that China now leads with America way back in their rear view mirror. Who will win out - and why? Every episode of Driving With Dunne equips you with powerful new knowledge about the future of these battery-propelled computers on wheels.Listen on
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